Detailing a hammock post

We have a few mature and lovely maple trees in our yard, but they aren’t spaced well for hanging a hammock between them, so I set a 4×4 post with a couple of supports so that we could enjoy some quality hammock time whenever the weather suits.

I had planned to incorporate some more features into this post beyond just supporting one end of a hammock; it seemed like a really good place to put a weather station, for example. But before I set the post in the ground, I decided I was going to give it a small detail: I carved a guardian Moai into the corner of it.

It’s a whimsical little detail, but I really enjoy it now that it is done. I didn’t actually enjoy it while I was working on it though. Woodcarving is a funny art: you work on a piece and you just keep thinking ‘this is terrible, it will never look right’ – until somehow, magically, all at once, it actually does look right.